Digital Game Design: Getting Started with Perlenspiel

Digital Game Design: Getting Started with Perlenspiel

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Digital Game Design: Getting Started with Perlenspiel program introduces students to digital game development through courses taught by Brian Moriarty, Professor of Practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and author of several award-winning game titles. This hands-on program focuses on the development and functional expression of game ideas using Perlenspiel, an abstract microgame engine programmed in JavaScript. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with the techniques needed to create, implement and iteratively refine digital game designs in working code.

Learning Outcomes

  • Game Design and Practical Creativity. Ability to define, express and iteratively refine digital game ideas in working code.
  • Game Engine Scripting. Ability to implement game mechanics and aesthetics using common programming patterns and syntax, including variables, conditional statements, functions, objects and arrays in an interactive, event-driven engine architecture.
  • Introduction to Core Web Technologies. Ability to set up and compose projects in JavaScript, the industry-standard programming language that powers all Internet browsers and >95% of the pages on the World Wide Web.


2 Courses
8 Sessions / 6.0 hours of work per session
56 Lesson videos
Course 1: Introduction: Elements of Microgame Design Starts Oct 23, 2018
  • Session 1: Perlenspiel Overview: Just Enough Rope
  • Session 2: Start Your Engine
  • Session 3: Spaces and Colors
  • Session 4: Animating the Grid: Getting a Bead On
Course 2: Exploration: A Closer Look at the Microgame API * Starts Jan 8, 2019
  • Session 1: Timing and Animation
  • Session 2: Nuances of Color
  • Session 3: Images & Motion
  • Session 4: Actor Movement
Course 3: Synthesis: Realizing Game Ideas in Code * Starts Apr 16, 2019
  • Session 1: Worldbuilding in Color
  • Session 2: Sprite Subsystem
  • Session 3: The Game Map
  • Session 4: Finessing Appearance and Experience
* Program exclusive course

Featured Coursework


Skill Level : Beginner

Prior Knowledge: This program is at a beginner level. However, prior familiarity with digital games and the basic principles and tools of software engineering are recommended.

Materials: No special materials required.

Equipment: Computer with broadband Internet access and a updated web browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox. Installation privileges may be required if a student wishes to employ an integrated development environment (IDE) for project work.

Software: (Optional but strongly recommended) An interactive development environment (IDE) for HTML/JavaScript such as WebStorm (JetBrains), Brackets (Adobe) or Atom (GitHub).

Upon completion you'll earn
  • A verified Specialist Certificate that prove you completed the Program and mastered the subject.*
  • A verified course Certificate for each individual course you complete in the program.*

* Each certificate earned is endorsed by Kadenze and the offering institution(s).

Price: $500 USD *

Specialist Certificate

Receive a Specialist Certificate by earning a Certificate of Accomplishment in each course within a Program.
Students earn a Certificate of Accomplishment for any course they complete with a grade of 65% or higher.
Using its unique link, you can share your certificate with everyone from future employers and schools to friends, family, and colleagues.

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Becoming a specialist in a subject requires a highly tuned learning experience connecting multiple related courses. Programs unlock exclusive content that helps you develop a deep understanding of your subject. From your first course to your final summative assessment, our thoughtfully curated curriculum enables you to demonstrate your newly acquired skills.

Program Benefits
Access an exclusive curriculum taught by expert instructors and industry leaders
Earn a verified Specialist Certificate with a unique shareable link
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